How Much Does Duolingo like App Development Cost? - Study24x7
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How Much Does Duolingo like App Development Cost?

Updated on 11 November 2022
Eliana Ward
3 min read 22 views
Updated on 11 November 2022

If you wish to develop it for a single platform like Android or iOS, the development cost of an app like Duolingo can range from $25,000- 100,000.

However, If you want to develop an app like Duolingo for a hybrid platform, then the app development cost might range from $80,000- $150,000.

Now, this is just a rough estimate of your Duolingo app cost. The range can relatively move higher or lower depending on the type of advanced tech stack, functionalities and features used. Apart from that, there are distinctive factors that affect the

mobile app development costs, which is why you need to consider a breakdown of all factors.

Let’s begin with understanding the factors that contribute directly to the Duolingo app cost.

Learn - More about cost to develop Duolingo like app

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